Root cause therapy

Working with the conscious, the subconscious and emotions.

Root cause therapy is a particular approach to assisting us solve our deepest problems. It utilises a timeline, which works on both the subconscious and conscious minds simultaneously to bring through images and memories which were created and held onto by our nervous system. These may have been created to assist us and protect us from danger. Whilst the nervous system is designed to defend us, it can also inhibit us by creating repeated patterns of thinking and behaviours which do not continue to hold our best interests as we move through life. As this continues we create certain beliefs about ourselves and the world around us which in fact limit our choice of perception and reaction.

Root Cause Therapy aims at finding where these blocks are located and accessing them to release emotions and tension associated with certain thoughts and behaviours; thus becoming fully aware and able to learn from them whilst reducing re-occurrences.

This therapy is in depth and requires minimum of 2 hours per session.